CUBEX Community Blog

Changes to the Food Drive

Written by CUBEX Community | Dec 10, 2019 5:23:39 PM

Fun Fact: St Mary's is the world's FIRST food bank! Helping our neighbors through St Mary's Food Bank (or your local food bank) is not a hand out, it is a hand up. It means helping out a single mom or dad put food on the table for their kids during tough times. It means helping after a loss, whether it is a loss of a spouse or a job. It means helping out a senior on a fixed income or someone caring for their elderly parent while trying to make ends meet. It means helping when someone is battling a medical illness like cancer and the bills associated. It means helping out after losing everything in a house fire. It means putting nutritious food on the table and giving hope.

As of now, our food drive boxes at HQ are empty.

Let's try something different. For the next week, Wednesday to Wednesday, CUBEX will match dollar for dollar donated to St Mary's using this link*. I will also accept Cash or Venmo (l-g-brown) donations if that makes it easier to double your donation. On top of that, St Mary's will match our total donation. 

So let's do the math. If you donated $5**, CUBEX will donate $5. That's $10 to St Mary's. Then St. Mary's will match that to make $20. Your $5 turned into $20 just like that. Now, they can make every $1 = 7 meals, so your 35 meals just turned into 140 meals out of $5. 140 meals for $5. That's an amazing deal. Think of the impact we could make if we all donated the amount we spend on one Starbucks (or Dunkin, or Peet's) coffee. Instead of drinking 1 coffee, we could be providing 140 meals to our community. 

I know this is always a hard time of year to ask for donations, and it is not an easy thing for me to do either,  but we won't be able to continue these programs without the "you" in the community.

New deadline for food goods is set as Friday, December 20th.

* up to the first $200. Match is not done through the link but a notification of the donation will be sent. so we know what to match. 
**Your donation is tax deductible and qualifies for the Arizona Tax Credit (see your tax professional for details).