CUBEX Community Blog

Cubex Community Employee Spotlight

Written by CUBEX Community | Oct 8, 2018 5:39:23 PM

Samantha Brown

Cubex Implementation Coordinator
Phoenix HQ

We're putting a spotlight on our employees who are making an impact on our community. . .  

Living the Dream Rescue

"Living the Dream Rescue provides adoption services in many forms. We work to find forever homes for special needs animals such as: chronic medical, Cerebellar Hypoplaysia, amputees, animals with deformed legs (twisties), FIV+ felines and animals needing behavioral work. At Living the Dream Rescue, we focus on taking in animals who are most in need around the state and the Southwest. We have partnerships with large shelter facilities around the state to bring animals into rescue, many that have no chance of making it out of an open intake facility alive.

Every animal we intake has a dedicated foster who has agreed to house that animal until adopted. We utilize off site veterinary clinics for medical treatment and surgical services, and we are partnered with local veterinarians and veterinary industry professionals to keep costs as low as possible while increasing the care provided. Living the Dream Rescue was founded in August of 2017 to bring together a Dream Team of volunteers! Living the Dream Rescue gets its name from a vision to create every animals Dream space, more like an upscale pet spa as a shelter idea. "

Sam founded Living the Dream Rescue in August of 2017 as a 501c3 but has been working in animal rescue in the Phoenix area since 2008. Through all of her efforts, she tallies approximately 25-35 hours in animal rescue a week!

Take a moment to appreciate Sam for what she does for our community and animals in need.
Facebook: @ltdrescue

Are you, or do you know, an employee who gives back to their community and should be in the spotlight?
Let us know!