Join Team CUBEX As We Support NOMV's "Race Around the World 2020"

As you know, CUBEX® LLC is an active supporter of the non-profit "Not One More Vet" (NOMV), an organization that aids in the prevention of suicide and promotion of wellness within the veterinary industry. An industry that is at high risk and part of all of our communities, at work as our customers and at home for our pets. 

This year, CUBEX is proud to be a sponsor of NOMV's "Race Around the World 2020" and we want you to step in and join the CUBEX LLC Team! This is a virtual global event to bring awareness and support to the services NOMV offers and allow them grow so they can, in turn, offer more support to the professionals in the veterinary industry.

This event is open to everyone - friends and family of all fitness levels. You don't need anything fancy, just move as you are and track your miles as they add up. Let's stay active, help a cause, focus on wellness, and do it at a physical distance. 

Here's How It Works:

  1. Register by 9/1/2020 (links below) and join team "CUBEX LLC"
  2. Set your personal goals
  3. Download the Charity Footprint App and Sync your device (not required)
  4. Get moving
  5. Share on Social Media: Tag @notonemorevet and @CubexLLC with the hashtag #WhoAreYouRacingFor and #NOMVRaceAroundTheWorld

CUBEX Employees
Click here to register
🆓The first 15 CUBEX Employees who sign up will receive free registration!*
Be sure to join the team "CUBEX LLC" when prompted
*If you are seeing a registration fee, it means the 15 free registrations have been filled. Act fast!

CUBEX Friends and Family
Click here to register and join the CUBEX Team

Feel free to reach out to me if you are having any difficulty registering or have further event questions.

You'll have from September 1st through November 10th to rack up your miles! So tie up your laces, sync up your device, and get moving!

NOMV Race Around the World Logo

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