Fantasy Football Benefits Student Athletes


It's that time of year again! Looking to join a Fantasy Football League (or add another one)? We have one! Fantasy Football, but with a Community twist.

The buy-in to join the league will go to support the Student Athlete Foundation of Arizona. This non-profit offers funding to low income school age kids involved in sports giving them the ability buy equipment, dues, etc so they can continue playing for the love of their sport. There will also be non-monetary prizes for league participants. 

The more people who join, the more opportunity there is get involved and give back. 

Sign up by completing your minimum donation of $20 by Friday, August 16th, or reach out to Laura Brown to make other arrangements. Once your donation is received, you will be invited to the League through the week of the 19th. From there, you can customize your team. Draft date is Friday, Aug 30th at 4:00 pm. Limit one team per person per league. 

With the inspiration and help of Ryan West, Will Grubb, and Micheal Lacivita, we have a great knowledge base to have a fun season. Feel free to reach out to any of these experts with questions. New to Fantasy Football? No problem, this team is here to help and open to all.

Download the ESPN app here.

🚫 Flag on the Play Notes: All fantasy football discussions should be conducted and limited to the ESPN League Message Board. Do not let this social event distract from your job duties during work hours. Any violators will be removed from the league. 

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