Cubex is Putting Together a Green Team!

Green Business Logo-horizontal revisedIn partnership with the City of Phoenix, we are excited to announce Cubex's "Going Green in '19" campaign.

By making efforts to make our work space a green space, and in compliance with the City of Phoenix's Green Business Leader Guidelines, we will be reducing our environmental impact one action at at time. 

In this effort, we are looking to build Cubex's first ever "Green Team" of employees to join in this campaign and lead us to the Gold Level of green-ness. 

Green Teams are self-organized, cross-functional groups of employees who voluntarily come together to identify and implement specific solutions to help their organization operate in a more environmentally sustainable fashion.

Our Green Team leaders will be asked to collaborate on green ideas, present proposals, and implement change. 

  • Passionate about the environment? Join the Green Team!

  • Have ideas on waste diversion, water conservation, energy reduction, or other sustainable actions in your workplace? Join the Green Team!

  • Want to join a team of like minded co-workers to work towards a green goal? Join the Green Team!

  • Looking to add to your job skills? Join the Green Team!

  • You can commit to this campaign until we celebrate environmental success (Gold Level)? Cool, join the Green Team!

  • What if I am a remote or traveling employee? No problem. Join the Green Team!

  • I don't know anything about sustainability? That's Ok. Join the Green Team

Ok! Ok! So, how do I join the Green Team? Submit your interest below by the end of the week. Shortly later, you will be invited to a introductory meeting to kick things off! 




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