Over the Halloween Candy Rush? Now What?


Over-bought bags of candy? Kids scored big in the neighborhood this year? Sweet tooth is saying "no more!"? Did you know can donate your surplus Halloween candy? Here are a few ideas to get rid of that candy (without eating it all) and know it is going to a good cause.

Soldiers' Angel's Treats for Troops Program will ship your donated candy to deployed service members around the world or distribute to veterans in VA Hospitals across the country for a sweet treat. Click here to find a drop off location near you. 

Operation Gratitude includes a handful of candy in every Care Package they send. A major source of these sweet treats is this popular Halloween Candy Give-Back Program hosted by generous dentists, businesses, groups, and families in October and November each year. Click here to find a drop off location near you. 

Halloween Candy Buy Back Program was started with the goal of getting some of the candy “off the streets".  Buybacks are held at local businesses, traditionally but not limited to dental offices, with the goal of removing excess Halloween candy from kids while supporting our troops. Click here to find a drop off location near you. 

Operation Stars and Stripes Halloween Candy Donation Program accepts donations of excess Halloween candy to be used to fill their stockings for the Operation Holiday Stockings Campaign. Click here to request more information about donating to this program.

Finally, don't forget about your local soup kitchen, homeless shelter, food pantry, or retirement or nursing home. Many take donations of unopened candy for residents and guests. It's worth calling to find out if they accept treats, which your kids can deliver with a note and a non-cavity-filled smile. 

If you are located near CUBEX HQ, feel free to drop off your surplus candy to Laura Brown by November 7th to be properly distributed to one of the above organizations. 

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