CUBEX Community Blog

Recycling Do's, Dont's, and Donuts

Written by CUBEX Community | Oct 15, 2019 2:00:00 PM

Ever wonder if what you are recycling is actually recyclable? Or what you are throwing out in the trash to go to the landfill could actually be recycled? Did you know juice boxes and plastic coffee cups do go in the recycle bin? Did you know straws and thermal receipts don't? Then there's bubble wrap. That is soft plastic and that's another story. That goes in a separate soft plastic recycle bin with things like grocery bags. Not knowing can make your head spin! 

We've all been there! 

The Green Team is here to make it easier for you. Learn recycle do's and don'ts with a representative from the City of Phoenix Zero Waste Team and learn how you can better represent us as a Platinum Green Business Leader. This quick 30 minute learning session will be held Wednesday, November 13th at 9-9:30 am in the Boardroom at HQ.

Did we mention, your attendance to this event scores you giveaways and Bosa donuts! Hope to see you all there! 

Want to learn on your own or test your recycle know-how? No problem. Visit the Zero Waste Assistant and simply type in the item and the friendly Waste Wizard tells you what to do with it. How easy is that! Now let's all rethink what we do with our waste. 

Bonus: Did you know, CUBEX also offers electronic recycling? See Ryan West or here for details on this year round program.