The Green Team Launches Summer Initiatives - Reusable Beverage Containers

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The Green Team has been busy working towards getting Cubex® closer to becoming a City of Phoenix Green Business Leader. Our goal is to become Gold Level Certified by the end of 2019. Each initiative the Green Team members launch earns Cubex® points toward this certification, further upholding our environmental responsibility as a company.

Please take moment to check out our Green Initiatives page to learn more about what this team is accomplishing. Below, you will find our most recent launch from our Green Team Members. Stay tuned for more to come from this amazing group!

The Phasing Out of Single-Use Beverage Containers in Favor of Reusable 

In the United States, the average person uses approximately 167+ disposable plastic water bottles annually. What is not recycled takes over 1000 years to decompose. This makes a good case for looking into alternatives.

Cubex® is committed to this sustainable change and will be phasing out the use of paper cups and single use beverage containers, like bottled water, at Phoenix HQ and the warehouse in the near future. The strategy will be to replace these single-use containers with high quality insulated containers that will accommodate your caffeine and hydration needs at work. So in reality, we are getting an upgrade by considering our environmental impact. 

bottle proto(Actual product may vary. For sample purposes only)

Take a look at Michelle's web page for more information on the initiative. If you have any questions or need additional details, please contact a Green Team Member

Team Members summer

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