The Devastation in Australia

As the fires continue in Australia and news reports continue to fill minds and thoughts with images and details of the  unrelenting devastation, we can, at times, feel helpless with the unconscionable sum of homes lost, lives lost, firefighters put at risk, animal populations depleted, if not destroyed, and habitat loss, ensuring future animal loss. 

Many CUBEX employees have shared their concern in the past weeks, showing their open hearts and compassion for this situation. Many have even reached out to our partner, Gavin Biggs, CEO of Therian in AU. Take comfort in knowing that Joe Faiella, CUBEX Veterinary Solutions President, has been in contact with Gavin over the past few weeks for support and to gain better knowledge of the needs in and across Australia. With his permission, we would like to share Gavin's response and ways we can help:

"I have received emails from numerous Cubex staff about the bushfires in Australia and if there is anything they can do to support. If Cubex staff would like to support the efforts of the Fire Brigades and recovery actions from various humanitarian and wildlife charities, then I can recommend the following charities that they can donate to:

All of the above charities are reputable and all money received will be going directly to communities and animals in need.

These bushfires have been the worst in living memory in Australia with the fires burning 6 times more land than the Amazon fires in 2019 and the largest natural bushfire disaster in the world.  Australia has lost an estimated 30-35% of our koala population making them near extinction level.  There has been an estimated half billion animals killed, both native, farming and companion animals."

CUBEX will continue to offer support as this crisis continues and keep all of AU in our thoughts and hearts. 

For any further information, please reach out to Laura Brown or Joe Faiella


Always conduct your own research on any non-profit organization before donating money (here are some tips). Also, keep in mind that these site's currencies may be in AU Dollars as they are AU sites (typically this is noted). 

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