Ways To Give Back During COVID-19


“Never underestimate your power to inspire and affect your community around you. Even the smallest of acts can really ripple out.” - John VanDeusen Edwards, Founder of Food is Free Project

If we’ve learned anything during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that this virus does not limit the spread of care and kindness, it just changes the manner in which we can show it. This is the time to be creative and think outside the box, after all, the virus hasn't stopped the needs in our communities. 

There are so many ways to contribute that don't have to be in person or time consuming. Here are some ideas that can make a positive impact during this time while maintaining the recommended social distancing to flatten the curve. 

Give Back While Online Shopping 

Companies we use everyday make it even easier for consumers to give back. 

  • Shop AmazonSmile
    AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as Amazon.com. The difference is that when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice.

  • Donate an item from of a Charity's AmazonSmile Wish List
    Know that the item listed is selected by the charity based on their current needs and you never even have to leave your computer. 

    • Go to AmazonSmile Charity List

    • Select a charity from the list

    • View their wish list and add the needed item to your cart

    • Send requested wish list items directly to the non-profit (address is automatically used)

  • Shop EBay for Charity
    Everyone can make an impact with eBay. Shoppers can give to enrolled charities at checkout, buy items that benefit charity, or choose symbolic gifts that give back.

  • Give Back Box - Open your box > Pack your box > Send your box
    Now is a great time to de-clutter and donate. Give Back Box® provides vendor services to retailers and charities, giving each and every cardboard box a second life to help people in need. So it is also a 'green' solution! Reuse your online shipping boxes in which you received your purchases, or any other cardboard box you may have, to donate your unwanted household items: such as gently used clothing, shoes etc., to make a major difference in the life of another person.

Give Back While Grocery Shopping:

Check your area grocery stores to see if they have a community rewards program. Here are a few:

Give Back In Your Community

  • Donate dollars or spare goods to your local Food Bank or other non-profit you support. Are you saving money not going out for coffee, out to eat, gas on your commute? Have $5 to spare? Many food banks can make that stretch to 30-35 meals.

  • Shop your local, small businesses with online shopping. Many have been converting to online shops when and if possible to survive the crisis.  While I realize this is a for-profit business, you are still helping your community and neighbors. When you purchase at locally owned businesses rather than nationally owned, more money is kept in the community because locally-owned businesses often purchase from other local businesses, service providers and farms. 

  • Food is Free Movement 

    The Food is Free Project is a worldwide movement of people growing and sharing food freely (but recently, within social distancing guidelines) . They encourage connecting with your neighbors by planting a front yard garden or sharing your harvest with a #foodisfree table.

  • Take One, Leave One is a movement in the passive act of community giving. Movements like Little Free Pantry and Little Free Library follow the Take One Leave One principals and have been recharged during this unstable time. Boxes or locations are popping up near community mailboxes leaving wipes or TP with the understanding you will leave something in return. Take one, leave one

  • Blood Donation

    The American Red Cross now faces a severe blood shortage due to an unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations during this COVID-19 outbreak. View how the Red Cross is changing to protect donors. 

  • Foster a shelter pet. Working from home? Find a local shelter and inquire about their foster policy

Giving Back - Travel

  • Lyft - Round up and Donate

    Chip in every time you ride. Your small change can make big change.

  • Donate airline/hotel miles or credit card points. This link  or this link will direct you to a compilation of the major airline and hotel chain's charity partners. Including credit card points. 

Giving Back by Becoming a Virtually Volunteer or DIY Volunteer Projects


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*Ideas must comply with company and CDC guidelines at this time

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