Recycling Do's, Dont's, and Donuts

Ever wonder if what you are recycling is actually recyclable? Or what you are throwing out in the trash to go to the landfill could actually be recycled? Did you know juice boxes and plastic coffee cups do go in the recycle bin? Did you know straws and thermal receipts don't? Then there's bubble wrap. That is soft plastic and that's another story. That goes in a separate soft plastic recycle bin with things like grocery bags. Not knowing can make your head spin! 

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The Green Team E-Waste Quarterly Impact Report

The E-Waste (Electronic Waste) and Metal Recycling Program led by Ryan West, aims to divert e-waste and metals from the landfill to be, instead, recycled or refurbished. Each quarter, Ryan coordinates this initiative for Cubex® to help reduce our impact on the environment. 

The company we partner with for our E-waste and metal recycling is ER2. They are a Phoenix based company that also focuses on helping the community. One of the programs they run from their facility is collecting discarded computers and refurbish them for reuse. They have programs to help get computers to schools, families, and individuals that may not be able to afford a computer otherwise.

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The Green Team Launches Summer Initiatives - Paper Reduction Initiative

The Green Team has been busy working towards getting Cubex® closer to becoming a City of Phoenix Green Business Leader. Our goal is to become Gold Level Certified by the end of 2019. Each initiative the Green Team members launch earns Cubex® points toward this certification. 

Please take moment to check out our Green Initiatives page to learn more about what this team is accomplishing. Below, you will find our most recent launches from our Green Team Members. Stay tuned for more to come from this amazing group!

Paper Reduction Initiative

A paper"less" office is a work environment in which the use of paper is eliminated or greatly reduced. Going paperless can save money, boost productivity, save space, make documentation and information sharing easier, keep personal information more secure, and make for a more eco-friendly office. We have a large employee base that are remote or travel and paper is an outdated and ineffective tool to exchange information for Cubex®.

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The Green Team Launches Summer Initiatives - E-Waste Recycling

The Green Team has been busy working towards getting Cubex® closer to becoming a City of Phoenix Green Business Leader. Our goal is to become Gold Level Certified by the end of 2019. Each initiative the Green Team members launch earns Cubex® points toward this certification. 

Please take moment to check out our Green Initiatives page to learn more about what this team is accomplishing. Below, you will find our most recent launches from our Green Team Members. Stay tuned for more to come from this amazing group!

Electronic Waste and Metal Recycling Program

This year-round program, led by Ryan West, aims to divert e-waste and metals from the landfill to be recycled or refurbished. Currently 20 to 50 million metric tons of e-waste are disposed of worldwide every year. Only 12% of e-wastes is currently recycled. The company we partner with to pickup our E-waste is ER2. They are a local company that also focuses on helping in the community. One of the programs they run from their facility is to collect scraped computers and refurbish them for reuses. They have a program to help get computers to schools, families, and individuals that may not be able to afford a computer otherwise.

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