Ways To Give Back During COVID-19

“Never underestimate your power to inspire and affect your community around you. Even the smallest of acts can really ripple out.” - John VanDeusen Edwards, Founder of Food is Free Project

If we’ve learned anything during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s that this virus does not limit the spread of care and kindness, it just changes the manner in which we can show it. This is the time to be creative and think outside the box, after all, the virus hasn't stopped the needs in our communities. 

There are so many ways to contribute that don't have to be in person or time consuming. Here are some ideas that can make a positive impact during this time while maintaining the recommended social distancing to flatten the curve. 

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The Green Team E-Waste Quarterly Impact Report

The E-Waste (Electronic Waste) and Metal Recycling Program led by Ryan West, aims to divert e-waste and metals from the landfill to be, instead, recycled or refurbished. Each quarter, Ryan coordinates this initiative for Cubex® to help reduce our impact on the environment. 

The company we partner with for our E-waste and metal recycling is ER2. They are a Phoenix based company that also focuses on helping the community. One of the programs they run from their facility is collecting discarded computers and refurbish them for reuse. They have programs to help get computers to schools, families, and individuals that may not be able to afford a computer otherwise.

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FMSC in June - Serving Locally, Impacting Globally

Cubex Sponsored Event: Feed My Starving Children 

 Wednesday, June 5th, 2019
1pm to 3pm and 3:30pm-5:30pm

Help turn hunger into hope with your own two hands by packing nutritious meals for hungry children around the world. 

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian nonprofit dedicated to providing nutritious meals to children worldwide. FMSC meals are hand-packed by volunteers and sent to an incredible network of partner organizations who distribute them to those in need. Nearly 1.2 million volunteers packed more than 333 million FMSC meals in 2017. More than 90 percent of total donations go directly to feed kids.

In one 2 hour session last year, Cubex was able to pack enough meals to feed 1 child for a year! This is an energetic, fast paced, team-oriented, family friendly event. There is opportunity for everyone to participate with the end goal of providing nutrition to children in need around the world. 

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2018 Community Impact Report

We have kicked off the Community Outreach Program with a bang! Check out the impact we have made in October to December in our 2018 Impact Report. Thank you all for making this a success and we look forward to what we can do in 2019! 

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