CUBEX Employee Volunteer Program Launches “Dollars for Doers” Pilot Program

The results and satisfaction of volunteering to help your community just got better with CUBEX’s Corporate Volunteer Grant Program, commonly known as a “Dollars for Doers” Program.

effective 01/01/2020

Volunteer grants are corporate giving programs that encourage volunteerism in communities where employees live and work. Through these programs, companies provide monetary grants to organizations where employees regularly volunteer.
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2019 Community Builder Award

Congratulations to Michelle Crane, winner of our CUBEX 2019 Community Builder Award!

Michelle has independently logged more than 185 volunteer service hours in the past year. Local and national non-profit organizations that have benefited from Michelle's time include: Fellowship Square (Senior/Assisted Living), Living the Dream (Animal Rescue), Gabriel’s Angels (Pet Therapy for At-Risk Children), and NOMVSS (Veterinary Support Staff Mental Wellness). 

Not only, does she find free time in her personal time, Michelle has participated in many of the Cubex sponsored events this year including championing our participation at the Plant a Tree Event at ASU, Gabriels Angels fundraising event, and involvement in many of the donation drives held this year.

She has also been a valuable Green Team member for over a year. Her initiatives are thoroughly researched and executed. Her initiatives have included plastic alternative beverage containers and she is currently developing a tree planting program.  

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Hygiene Kit Making Event


"Give the gift of a fresh start" - Hygiene for Humanity

Putting together hygiene kits helps us satisfy some of the basic needs for our neighbors experiencing homelessness or displacement. Please join together in this all company event by creating essential hygiene kits using all of your collected donations from the 2019 Toiletry Drive. One kit for one person can change a life.

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Changes to the Food Drive

Fun Fact: St Mary's is the world's FIRST food bank! Helping our neighbors through St Mary's Food Bank (or your local food bank) is not a hand out, it is a hand up. It means helping out a single mom or dad put food on the table for their kids during tough times. It means helping after a loss, whether it is a loss of a spouse or a job. It means helping out a senior on a fixed income or someone caring for their elderly parent while trying to make ends meet. It means helping when someone is battling a medical illness like cancer and the bills associated. It means helping out after losing everything in a house fire. It means putting nutritious food on the table and giving hope.

As of now, our food drive boxes at HQ are empty.

Let's try something different. For the next week, Wednesday to Wednesday, CUBEX will match dollar for dollar donated to St Mary's using this link*. I will also accept Cash or Venmo (l-g-brown) donations if that makes it easier to double your donation. On top of that, St Mary's will match our total donation. 

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"People and Pets" Food Drive - Cubex Helps Feed Families and Four-Leggers Across Arizona

 QGive Campaign Runs December 1st to December 31st, 2019

CUBEX is once again partnering with St Mary's Food Bank to help replenish the shelves for 2020 and help to alleviate hunger in Arizona. This year, we are again adding a Pet Food Drive to support Arizona Animal Welfare League and ASPCA (AAWL) to make this an all-in-one "People and Pets" Food Drive. 

Through previous years food drives, Cubex has donated exactly 1000 lbs of food to St Mary's (that's approx 833 meals to Arizona families in need). Fun fact: In 2015, Cubex was able to donate a whopping 660 lbs! Not so fun fact: In 2019, we only collected 106 lbs. We have grown so much, I am confident we have another chance to top 2015! Let's see what we can do for our people and pets in our state. 

There will be 2 opportunities to donate:

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CUBEX Supports Annual USMC Toys For Tots Toy Drive

The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation has been delivering a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters since 1947. The objectives of the Foundation are to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of the holidays; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to improving communities in the future.

CUBEX's Adam Herczeg has been involved in the Toys for Tots program through the USMC for the past 15+years. Starting November 20th , we will be incorporating a Toy Drop Box in addition to accepting monetary donations until December 25, 2019. 

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Green Team and Community Outreach Partners up to Plant Trees!

Get your hands dirty and do something good for nature this fall! Join One Tree Planted and the Arizona State University Arboretum in planting trees at Arizona State University! Help plant trees in honor of the new campus tree tour map launch. 

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Recycling Do's, Dont's, and Donuts

Ever wonder if what you are recycling is actually recyclable? Or what you are throwing out in the trash to go to the landfill could actually be recycled? Did you know juice boxes and plastic coffee cups do go in the recycle bin? Did you know straws and thermal receipts don't? Then there's bubble wrap. That is soft plastic and that's another story. That goes in a separate soft plastic recycle bin with things like grocery bags. Not knowing can make your head spin! 

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Cubex Partners with Red Cross for Quarterly Blood Drive November 12th

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.

  • About one in seven people entering a hospital needs blood. 

  • Blood is always needed for treatment of accident victims, cancer patients, hemophiliacs and surgery patients. 

  • Blood cannot be manufactured.

  • Only 37 percent of our country's population is eligible to give blood, and less than 10 percent of those who can donate actually do donate annually.

CUBEX is proud to again partner with Red Cross Blood Services to support to our community and beyond Tuesday, November 12th 8am-1:30pm at CUBEX HQ. This will be our last one of the year!

*Remote/traveling employees have opportunities available through CUBEX's "SleevesUp" Campaign*

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CUBEX Teams up with Charity Miles App

CUBEX teams up with the Charity Miles App so we can all "move with purpose" in October, and even all year. Charity Miles lets you turn a indoor or outdoor walk, jog, hike, or bike into a fundraiser for something good (and good for you). 

Join the CUBEX Company Team via the Charity Miles App from anywhere to walk, run, or bike for a cause. For the remote, traveling, or Phoenix based employee at any fitness level, when you move for charity, you are telling yourself a story about what’s important to you. Teams are a fun, easy way for us to build community, motivate each other, and see the collective impact we can have together. 

Just sign up, choose a charity and get moving. The app tracks your movement. For every mile you log, you help to earn money for your chosen charity.

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