Cubex Partners with Red Cross for Quarterly Blood Drive

Every day, blood donors help patients of all ages: accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, and those battling cancer. In fact, every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. Cubex is proud to partner with Red Cross Blood Services to support to our community and beyond.

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Cubex is Putting Together a Green Team!

In partnership with the City of Phoenix, we are excited to announce Cubex's "Going Green in '19" campaign.

By making efforts to make our work space a green space, and in compliance with the City of Phoenix's Green Business Leader Guidelines, we will be reducing our environmental impact one action at at time. 

In this effort, we are looking to build Cubex's first ever "Green Team" of employees to join in this campaign and lead us to the Gold Level of green-ness. 

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Community Builder Award 2018

Congratulations to John Springfield (Cubex Sr Product Management; Phoenix HQ) who has been awarded the 1st Annual CUBEX Community Builders Award!

Since the start of the 2018 CUBEX Community Outreach Program, John has independently logged 87 hours of community service outside of our Sponsored Events.

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The Big "Blankets and Brews" Event

In celebration of all of our CUBEX family being in one place in January, we are sponsoring a one-of-a-kind Community Event at CUBEX HQ. It's called "Blankets and Brews" and is exactly what it sounds like.

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2018 Community Impact Report

We have kicked off the Community Outreach Program with a bang! Check out the impact we have made in October to December in our 2018 Impact Report. Thank you all for making this a success and we look forward to what we can do in 2019! 

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Feed My Starving Children, December's CSE

Help turn hunger into hope with your own two hands by packing nutritious meals for hungry children around the world. Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian nonprofit dedicated to providing nutritious meals to children worldwide. FMSC meals are hand-packed by volunteers and sent to an incredible network of partner organizations who distribute them to those in need. Nearly 1.2 million volunteers packed more than 333 million FMSC meals in 2017. More than 90 percent of total donations go directly to feed kids

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Over the Halloween Candy Rush? Now What?

Over-bought bags of candy? Kids scored big in the neighborhood this year? Sweet tooth is saying "no more!"? Did you know can donate your surplus Halloween candy? Here are a few ideas to get rid of that candy (without eating it all) and know it is going to a good cause.

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CUBEX Supports 2nd Annual Toys For Tots Toy Drive Nov. 1st - Dec. 25th

The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation has been delivering a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters since 1947. The objectives of the Foundation are to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of the holidays; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to improving communities in the future.

Cubex's Adam Herczeg has been involved in the Toys for Tots program through the USMC for the past 15 years. This year, we will be incorporating a Toy Drop Box in addition to accepting cash donations November 1, 2018 to December 25, 2018.

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St Vincent de Paul Urban Farm,  October's CSE

"Health and wellness is a top priority as we aim to address root causes of poverty and food insecurity. Thanks to the outpouring of community support, our urban farm includes nearly one acre of farmland with a variety of fruits and vegetables, an aquaponics system that produces tilapia and a robust composting program that turns kitchen scraps into valuable soil to grow more food. 

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Cubex Community Employee Spotlight

Samantha Brown

Cubex Implementation Coordinator
Phoenix HQ

We're putting a spotlight on our employees who are making an impact on our community. . .  

Living the Dream Rescue

"Living the Dream Rescue provides adoption services in many forms. We work to find forever homes for special needs animals such as: chronic medical, Cerebellar Hypoplaysia, amputees, animals with deformed legs (twisties), FIV+ felines and animals needing behavioral work. At Living the Dream Rescue, we focus on taking in animals who are most in need around the state and the Southwest. We have partnerships with large shelter facilities around the state to bring animals into rescue, many that have no chance of making it out of an open intake facility alive.

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